Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy 4th Anniversary, Jaz!


Me and Jaz

Four years ago on August 26, 2006, I married my best friend.  Through countless of hours used on calling cards, overage minutes on cell phones, dialpad, video chat, emails, and IMs there was always something very special between me and Jaz.  Pure happiness.  I genuinely want to make her happy everyday.  I want her to smile and laugh and even cry with me.  It's definitely something I did not understand when we just started dating when I was 20, or even something I grew to understand through the six years we dated.  And I'm sure even now I still don't fully grasp it.  But I do know that I have seen love in her eyes since the first time we met.  And here we are, just a mere four years later, and I still want her to be happy.  I know relatively speaking, we've had it easy, and once we have children (NO ANNOUNCEMENTS YET) our love will grow even more.  But until we cross that bridge, I am not sure I fully understand that either.  So I am ok with not understanding it long as I am not understanding it with her.

I love you Jaz!

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